Thursday 18 December 2014


SO- Once again! Fell in love then - BAM - unrequited. Hark.
"You're a cool girl… but just not in love with" was the- BAM! There goes another knock.
Argh where am I going wrong?!! HAHA I'm laughing inside cos this is becoming a broken record on repeat. Well, only twice.

Actually lets be honest here, I think I know where I'm going wrong.

I sleep with them, do all this elusive, nonchalant act but deep inside I really like them- A LOT, and then it fizzles and then I get caught up in the emotional net we call Romantic Love and they are not, etc etc etc etc
Well there is more into it than that but to me I guess that's what makes Love so addictive!

So the story goes I sleep with them, practically on the second date or meet. BUT I only sleep with guys that I really like and see a potential in. Yes, I make quick decisions like that and yes I can because I'd like to think I know myself!!!
Apart from one guy who I did a one night with - which I kinda feel… not regret, but… bad cos I think he liked me and I just used him :-/ That in itself s another story.
And I'm proud to say that I can still count my lovers with one hand!

So anyway, my third lover. A***! He is pretty cool but a "dickhead" (his words, not mine).
It's been so long since I wrote here that I feel there's been such a big gap in what has been happening in my love life.
I am soo excited to share!

So who is this guy?! I will continue it another day...

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